The ‘love’ for jihad is well-known in the history. It was an obsession for the orientalist thinkers and now the neo-liberals have rightfully inherited the tradition.
In India, the right-wing Hindutva groups are waging a war against ‘love jihad’. Despite proving its non-existence and the absurdity of their arguments, sanghi motormouths continue their false propaganda and even laws are being made to tame the cupid Muslim youths.
Interestingly, it’s not just a Hindutva construct and sanghi’s are not alone in this business of hate-mongering. British far-right leader Nick Griffin once warned the Europe that Muslims are seducing white girls as part of a plot to take over Britain! Another Canadian journalist Mark Steyn even suggested a final solution to the Muslim demographic bomb.
“In a democratic age, you can’t buck demography-except through civil war……. If you can’t outbreed the enemy, cull them,” he wrote in his bestselling book, America Alone. Dutch politician Greet Wilders proposed expelling Muslims from Europe and Austria’s right-wing parties have even advocated a separate ministry for this purpose.
The striking similarity of these voices with the sanghi propaganda is not strange. Who is copying whom is a debatable question.